Work Experience

lvs hassocks work experience

Our students are supported by excellent pastoral care and we encourage independence, wellbeing and healthy lifestyles with pupils learning life-skills inside and outside of the classroom in a safe and secure environment.

Students are given the opportunity to engage in work-based training either on site, e.g. working in the grounds, kitchen or the school’s community café, as well as work experience placements at a range of local employers and shops.

work experience

Work-related learning prepares our students for work, encouraging them to develop a more adult style of thinking and the skills needed for achieving economic independence including:

  • Understanding that at work there will be tasks that you repeat on a daily basis
  • Understanding that tasks have to be completed within a given time frame
  • Sustaining attention and concentration on the tasks set
  • Completion of tasks to a satisfactory standard
  • Receiving constructive criticism
  • Managing changes in mood and feelings by engaging agreed strategies
lvs hassocks campus cooking

Our specialised curriculum aims to support young people with autism into employment by delivering Skills for Life:

  • Improving their performance
  • Working with others
  • Problem solving
  • Literacy, Numeracy and ICT