Revision & Exam Support

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Revising is a key element to preparing for exams, use the resources below to help you find the methods that work for you and get you into a good revision routine.

Actually sitting the exams can be very stressful for some students, therefore we’ve also added some coping tools to help reduced stress.

Speak to teachers or family members if you need help or guidance. We are here to support every pupil throughout their revision and exam journey.

Exam Stress Coping Tools

Exam stress can occur at any age where children are taking tests or exams. Children who are either uncertain of their own capabilities, ambitious or seek perfectionism may be more at risk. Exam stress can cause poor attainment and attendance as well as more serious mental health outcomes.

Coping Tools:

Charlie Waller Health Trust Resources Approach to GCSEs booklets – guides for pupilsparents and teachers.

Coping Strategies for Exam Stress – 20 minute session guide, coping planner

Mind 14 Ways to beat exam stress – includes Emoodji app

Exams on – stress busting tips and more

Childline on Exam and Assessment Stress – videos about managing stress, social pressures and more

NHS Moodzone on helping children cope with exam pressure and anxiety