Successful Outcomes

lvs hassocks oast cafe

Life After LVS Hassocks

The focus of our education is to improve the outcome possibilities for our pupils. We aim to prepare young people with autism for life in the workplace so that when they leave us they have the skills and knowledge to be able to get a job and sustain employment, or they are confident enough to continue their education at college.

Pupils work toward a variety of recognised GCSEs, Functional skills and Entry Level qualifications including BTEC Levels 1 and 2.

See some of our ex-students below, and what they are doing now:

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LVS Hassocks has successfully helped turn Charlie’s life around. When he first joined the school in Year 10 in April, 2019, Charlie had been out of school for over a year and suffered with anxiety to the level that he was unable to leave home.

But LVS Hassocks was a place that not only understood what Charlie was going through, but gave him and his parents hope that there was somewhere for him to fit in and thrive. His parents say: “Looking back, it was only a dream that he could achieve and build confidence.”

Today, Charlie is studying Blacksmithing full-time at Brinsbury College, having been successfully introduced to the college and its Blacksmithing Course, while he was still at school.

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Anything feels possible for Pawel, who joined LVS Hassocks at the end of Year 7. He left the school after successfully completing sixth form to undertake a foundation course at Brinsbury College.

Pawel plans to continue in education and enjoys his studies. “LVS Hassocks has helped prepare me for my future life. They supported me when I was at my worst and gave me the confidence to do the things I couldn’t do – or thought I couldn’t do ­– independently.”

Being a small school, with small classes, there is a good level of support for every student and that creates a great school environment where, in Pawel’s words, there is less to worry about. “It’s a safe place,” he says.

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Chloe was at LVS Hassocks for less than two years, but her mum is adamant that had she known about the school earlier, Chloe would have gone there from Year 7. “LVS Hassocks catered to Chloe’s individual needs and worked alongside myself to get the best results for Chloe. I would highly recommend this school to any parent that has special needs children, as they cater for the individual rather than making the individual fit to the environment,” says Chloe’s mum, Laura.

From enjoying her lessons to making friends, Chloe benefitted from the support and coping strategies provided by her form tutor, as well as the help she received as she prepared to transition to St Piers College in Lingfield.

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Further Education

Our staff support students to take decisions about which path to follow when they leave school. Students are given access to college prospectuses as well as information on traineeships, supported internships and apprenticeships.

We are focused on the individual as we guide students choosing their appropriate pathways and courses.

We realise not all of our students will be able to achieve this goal, but we ensure to do our best to provide professional, researched guidance.