Exam Results

lvs hassocks campus teaching

Examination Results Summer 2023

The school ensures it students have access to the qualifications and academic progress that they are capable of achieving and facilitates that through specialist education and an appropriate calming environment.  It should be recognised that remaining engaged with their education and taking part in assessments and examinations is a huge achievement for many autistic students who live with high levels of anxiety.

lvs ascot

Headline results for Summer 2023 include:


  • BTEC Home Cooking Skills (Level 2) 100% Pass rate
  • BTEC Horticulture (Level 2) 100% Pass rate
  • BTEC Art (Level 1) 100% Pass rate
  • Trinity Bronze Art Award 100% Pass rate
  • Sports Leaders Award 100% Pass rate
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Bronze 100% Pass rate
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Silver 100% Pass rate
  • GCSE Spoken English 86% Pass rate

School Principal, Rachel Borland, said “Huge congratulations to our students who achieved such a wonderful portfolio of academic results this year. The results reflect the stamina and creativity of our school.”