How to Apply

Who Are We For?
We are an autism-specific school, offering day places to autistic young people aged 11-19.
All applicants are carefully considered to ensure that the school is suitable for the young person’s age, ability, aptitude and special educational needs and that the placement is compatible with the provision of efficient education for other pupils already attending the school.
All young people admitted to LVS Hassocks:
- Have a primary diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Must have an Education, Health and Care Plan
- Are aged between 11-19
- May have additional needs associated with ASD

Process of Admissions
Stage 1 – Initial referral either by parent(s)/carer(s), local authority or advocate acting on the parent(s)’ behalf
- We request as much information as possible including educational, medical and any safeguarding reports to assist with the decision on whether to proceed with the referral.
- We work with parents/carers and external agencies to ensure that decisions on whether to offer an assessment visit are based on complete, accurate, reliable and up to date information.
- We may visit the young person in their current placement or at home if they are not currently placed at a school

Process of Admissions
Stage 2 – School based assessment visit
- When a decision has been made that the reports indicate that the young person meets the admission criteria and there are places available in the relevant key stage, an assessment visit to the school will be arranged
- During the visit the young person will experience a range of assessments and, where appropriate, activities to ensure the young person’s needs can be met
- The school may request an additional assessment visit

Process of Admissions
Stage 3 – Transition into school
- Following successful assessment visits a placement will be offered
- Any placement offered will be subject to the full cost of the placement unless there has been prior agreement between the placing authority and the school
- Following acceptance of the place and confirmation of funding, a transition plan will be agreed
- Sometimes, a graduated transition and reduced timetable is required in order to re-engage the young person in learning
- Each young person is supported by relevant staff as determined in the transition plan
- A Post Entry Review is booked with parents and other stakeholders which will be approx a 6 week time frame, this is where a decision is made about whether the placement will continue and any additional resources are needed

We suggest you read our full Admissions Policy, which can be found here:
Please call or email us at if you have any questions about our admissions process or criteria, or wish to start the application process.