LVS Hassocks achieve ongoing IQM Centre of Excellence status
LVS Hassocks were awarded the IQM Centre of Excellence status in February 2022. Read here about the criteria they surpassed in order to achieve this. We are thrilled to announce that we can confirm our school’s ongoing IQM Centre of Excellence status.
The targets set for 2023 focus on having effective strategies in place to manage pupil’s mental health, enabling them to engage in learning and social situations, students making excellent academic outcomes and to increase awareness of microaggression in the workplace and understanding of it and its impact.
Melissa Hendry, Assessor at the IQM Centre said:
“From the moment I arrived at LVS Hassocks, I was greeted warmly and positively by all staff. It is very clear from the moment I entered the school that it is a purposeful environment that is needs-focused, with the students at the centre of all decisions. There is a shared ethos that all staff are of equal importance and it takes the whole team to ensure the best outcomes for students. One staff member quoted, “working at LVS is like climbing Everest, you can’t do it on your own. It takes a team”. All staff spoke with a real passion to support their students to be the best they can be.”
“It was an absolute pleasure to meet with a group of students from the school who were all very keen to tell me what they think of their school and all communicated to me how happy they are at school and how they feel well supported by staff. One pupil informed me that, “staff are amazing. I am very happy they are here for us. I have a special member of staff who is always there to listen to when I need them”.
“Parents speak very highly of the school and give credit to the personalised approaches that allow their children to reach their potential. Parents are delighted that their children are supported to be themselves and build their self-confidence. A heart-warming quote from a parent was, “I am made to feel part of my child’s journey, not part of the problem”.
“Leaders recognise that students often transition into LVS Hassocks with low self-esteem and experience of trauma. One of the strategies used to support this is supporting students to work towards achievable qualifications from Year 7 in order to boost their confidence when they receive an award. Academic and non-academic qualifications are taken to ensure all students can thrive. Staff recognise a creative strength across the school and as such all students complete an Art GCSE. The artwork, proudly displayed around school, is remarkable.”
Our Principal, Jen Weeks said “I am delighted that the continuous hard work that the team at LVS Hassocks do daily to support and equip our students for the wider world has been recognised for the second year in a row. Governors, staff and parents all play a vital supportive role in enabling our students to flourish and achieve!”